Both of these ladies feel that you will be a formidable contender in the upcoming games.
Only China is emerging as a formidable contender, but its time to seize the limelight may still be several years away.
Football, basketball, hockey, and soccer have all been formidable contenders at a state level throughout the years.
But the leader board featured a host of formidable contenders.
That a team that has not won a World Series since 1908 would instantly be considered a formidable contender to rumble there?
Ebert was a formidable contender for re-election and the right-wing press saw an opportunity in Barmat to score political points.
Von Stickle is deemed to be a formidable contender prior to and during the race.
Nevertheless, it was a formidable contender, largely due to the carefully designed and tuned blastpipe.
Mr. Lopez is viewed by many as a formidable contender.
If he chooses to run for president in 2004, he now looks like a slightly more formidable contender for the nomination.