Both players face formidable challengers in this tournament, whose field includes 10 of the top-25 ranked players.
One member of the audience was Dr. Mallows, soon to become the speaker's formidable challenger.
But he also has a familiar and critical political advantage, the reluctance of formidable challengers.
So he would be a formidable challenger.
The majority of Texans just selected Perry to lead them, overcoming formidable challengers.
Mr. Simmons, a popular five-term state representative, proved to be a formidable challenger.
Polls showed that, as a moderate, Riordan would be a more formidable challenger in the general election than a conservative candidate.
It's a curse because only if you are an incumbent or a formidable challenger do you stand a good chance of winning.
With time and confidence, she has become a formidable challenger to Sorenstam.
On Thursday, he reiterated his belief that she will be a formidable challenger if she decides to run for the presidency in 2008.