In a sport where the slightest flick of a horse's hoof can mean the difference between first place and no place, it was a formidable accomplishment.
A specialist in the shaped canvas, Ms. Murray has had 18 solo exhibitions in as many years, which is a formidable enough accomplishment.
At the time that they undertook this goal, there were no trails up many of the peaks, making this a particularly formidable accomplishment.
Both women have formidable professional accomplishments but are nonetheless most famous because of their husbands.
In short, Glenn was everything Reg could have wanted in a woman, even without considering her other formidable accomplishments, and this tended to make Reg a nervous wreck.
An introduction by Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar called the work "a formidable accomplishment."
"Germinal" (adapted by Mr. Berri and Arlette Langmann) may be hobbled by obviousness, but it remains a formidable accomplishment.
That formidable accomplishment was achieved despite the difficulties of keeping track of swiftly moving events and the real dangers to reporters and photographers, some of whom were assaulted as they did their jobs.
Forman's collaborator in this enterprise is the screenwriter Jean-Claude Carriere, a gray-haired Frenchman of great charm, formidable accomplishment and persistently narrow acclaim.
This was a more formidable accomplishment than that of the previous unbeaten team, which played a two-game season 69 years ago.