The city of Chicago's Department of Streets and Sanitation formerly maintained the Chicago Skyway Toll Bridge System.
The Spanish Army formerly maintained a corps of Carabineros who served as frontier guards.
Pope formerly maintained a production deal with Lionsgate.
Thanks also to Maarten Litmaath for generously allowing the inclusion of the ASCII pronunciation guide he formerly maintained.
The ranch formerly maintained an airstrip which is now decommissioned and has been used for a subdivision.
Phorm formerly maintained an opt out policy for its services.
The company also formerly maintained a distribution office in Chicago; this office was closed in 1998.
The station formerly maintained a separate, larger studio facility on Southwest 37th Avenue in Ocala (along I-75).
Cuisine Solutions formerly maintained an individual gourmet food wing under the name Five Leaf, which was founded through the initiative of standing CSO Gerard Bertholon.
He will be responsible for the paper's news as well as business departments, which formerly maintained mostly separate personnel functions.