A number of now-obsolete junior synonyms were formerly applied to A. schaefferi:
Although the word 'shōji' formerly also applied to the opaque 'fusuma', the two are now distinct.
This name was also formerly applied to the entire archipelago of Svalbard and occasionally still is.
This name is also invalidly used for Barbus luapulae; see also text for other species to which it was formerly applied.
The doctrine was formerly applied to certain callings carried on publicly.
The obsolete name T. beigelii was formerly applied to all or any of these species.
The term was formerly applied to many wasting diseases, but is now usually restricted to pulmonary phthisis, or consumption.
The term was formerly applied to any composition for an orchestra, as overtures, etc., and still earlier, to certain compositions partly vocal, partly instrumental.
The names Madrepore and Madreporaria were formerly applied universally to any stony coral of the family Scleractinia.
The term cadmia was formerly applied to the mineral calamine, or lapis calaminaris.