The group was formed late in 2003 by Brian Lukow (creator of Dream Street) after auditioning hundreds of girls.
The company was formed late in 1824 by John Taylor (1779-1863), the mining engineer and entrepreneur.
Hasbro Interactive was formed late in 1995 in order to compete in the video game arena.
Formed late in 2007, the band consists of Christian Hansen and Molly Flood.
Indeed, the first legally binding trusts to prevent the development of scenic land in New England were formed late in the 19th century.
The modern rock band The International Playboys were formed late in 2000.
McLean County was formed late in 1830 out of Tazewell County.
Many opinions are formed late, influenced by outstanding performances on glamorous teams in important games.
It was formed late in 1944 from personnel previously exempted from military service due to stomach disorders or injuries (sometimes referred to as a "Stomach division").
The new short-line was formed late in the 20th century by several major shippers, and adopted the old historic name which was not in use.