Less than 20 percent of the wilderness areas identified in the report are formally protected, Mr. McCloskey said.
The rules are formally protected by supposedly powerful religious taboos, breach of which will result in supernatural punishment for all concerned.
The object is to let development rip through those parts of Britain that aren't formally protected as National Parks or part of the Green Belt.
After the camp's liberation by the advancing Red Army on July 23, 1944, the site has been formally protected.
They also include places and properties that are not formally protected through the designation system, and certain historic landscapes.
As things stand, Mr. Gallay said, a little more than half (55 percent) of the county's open space is not formally protected.
This area has been populated by humans for millennia and very little of it is formally protected.
Although the name could not be formally protected, from 1932 onwards George Absolom continued to trade as Teesmade Co.
A part of this territory is going to be formally protected in the near future with the creation of a nature park (Parco Fluviale).
Several areas known to harbour blue racers and the important microhabitats used by them (e.g., hibernacula) are formally protected on Pelee Island.