Mr. de Klerk's National Party, which formally imposed apartheid during the 46 years it ruled South Africa, is one of three political parties represented in the Cabinet.
He was backed by Kent county council, which formally imposed the restriction, and fences were put up blocking the path.
On July 27, 2010, Chief U.S. District Judge Robert J. Conrad, Jr., of Charlotte, NC, formally imposed the federal death penalty sentence.
On October 4, 2002, Judge T.S. Ellis, III formally imposed the sentence: 20 years without possibility of parole.
November 1985: After Banks' county-level appeals are exhausted, a judge formally imposes the death penalties.
The jury sentenced Mr. Rodriguez to death in September, a sentence that Judge Ralph R. Erickson imposed formally yesterday.
Judge Francis X. Egitto, who accepted Mrs. Riegler's guilty plea, will formally impose the sentence on Feb. 6.
The judge formally imposed the death penalty on Revilla in absentia as he escaped from county jail shortly after trial.