The ship was officially delivered to the Navy on 14 November 1986 and formally commissioned on 24 March 1987.
Officials of the commission who discussed its findings asked not to be named because as the report had not yet been formally delivered to the Pentagon.
On 4 July 1880, the statue was formally delivered to the American minister in Paris, the event being celebrated by a great banquet.
A21-103 was formally delivered on 4 May of that year.
The statement of alleged violation was formally delivered yesterday.
The ship was formally delivered and accepted by the US Navy on 17 September 2012.
Congress has 30 days to act on the agreement after it is formally delivered by the White House.
The recommendations of the report, to be delivered formally to the President on Friday, are already receiving a cool reception at the White House.
On 26 February his two young sons were formally delivered to Cornwallis amid great ceremony and gun salutes by both sides.
Spearhead was formally delivered to the Navy on 5 December 2012, eight months late and $31 million over budget.