Yet this Upper Saddle River artist has composed geometric shapes that are formally arranged within compartments and all painted stark black.
But Lucie's apprenticeship had been formally arranged by Nicholas to ensure her future.
Formally arranged flowerbeds alternated with cherry trees along the side of the drive.
The north garden is formally arranged in the classical French style, with two circular flower beds surrounding a large fountain of three dancing maidens.
The garden itself was cut by walks gleaming white-bright in the moonlight and there were beds of flowers formally arranged.
The agreement formally arranged for the Polaris missile system to be provided to the UK to maintain its independent nuclear deterrent.
To his credit, he doesn't expect to be understood on the basis of a single, formally arranged encounter.
The Circle's workshops are neither instructor-led nor formally arranged.
For students participating in the Student Career Experience Program there must be a written agreement and a formally arranged schedule of school and work.
All three residence halls were formally arranged to create small intimate quadrangles at their new sites on campus.