They might have a formal terrace and they may have a more casual area around the pool or a flower or hobby garden area.
These may be related to infilling the moat and setting out a garden with formal terraces on the south and east sides of the house.
The work had begun near the house, loosening the appearance of the stiff formal terraces with small shrubs, roses and plants.
At the back of the maze stand two tall pecan trees giving definition to this formal terrace.
Outside the formal terraces, the plantings are utterly simple: great rounded boxwoods, corralled in burlap, huddle beneath a great silver beech.
The second level consisted of formal terraces with a staircase, a formal pond surrounded by ball shaped yews.
The squire was glad of any argument to defend his clipped yew-trees and formal terraces, which had been occasionally attacked by modern landscape gardeners.
In 1908 Romaine-Walker created the formal terrace on the north front as part of the broad redevelopment commissioned at that time.
The monument stands at the center of a complex sequence of balustraded formal paved terraces and stairs that rationalize the steep natural slopes to north and west.
One quarter of the site is composed of formal terraces, with the flags of the provinces and territories in the order of their entry to Confederation.