Libraries were asked to say whether pre-planned formal induction, job or development training was automatically offered to their professional or non-professional staff.
A formal induction follows, in which the new member affirms his loyalty to the club and its members.
Some form of formal induction follows, where in the new member affirms his loyalty to the club and its members.
It is a formal induction for freshman women to university life and unites them as they begin their education at Pitt.
"Black Americans are not defeated," he told Ebony soon after his formal induction in 1977.
A first game is a rite of sorts, a formal induction into the world of fandom.
Some form of formal induction follows, wherein the Prospect affirms his loyalty to the club and its members.
His formal induction took place at Bound for Glory in October 2012.
Not a formal induction, nothing that theatrically vulgar.
The formal induction consists of a simple, yet solemn ceremony.