Then again, Close is involved with formal complexities you won't find in the assembly-line surfaces of Pop art.
We turn to him out of our wonder at the beauty and formal complexity of Nature.
Higher up, the design increases in formal complexity.
Mr. Pare's respectful photographs seem concerned mostly with bringing out the statues' emotional and formal complexities.
The strength of the newer painting is in the way formal complexity matches a distressed, dissociated psychology.
Braindance has become one of the most distinctive voices in the underground, known for their pop sensibilities combined with technical and formal complexity.
The affinity between the Baroque age and our own, however, goes deeper than the formal complexity common to both.
The design's formal complexity is balanced and does not appear contrived.
But their presence makes the important point that 80's abstraction, in both its hints of imagery and its formal complexity, was full of narrative implications.
Indeed, a few are more interesting for their gusto than for their formal complexity.