However, the emperor sided with the Lombards; he made them formal allies and promised to provide troops against the Gepids.
Cabess was a formal and loyal ally to the British Royal African Company and assisted their operations in the region.
The Poles ask for the help of Germany, becoming its formal ally, and getting some military aid - mainly fighter planes.
In 1949 the two became a formal allies through the North Atlantic treaty, which set up the NATO military alliance.
It was here, after Pearl Harbor, that Chiang became a formal ally of the Americans.
The two nations have been formal allies since 1778, after all; and three years after that the French, led by Lafayette, helped us achieve our independence.
It became a formal ally of Japan from 25 January 1942.
It also comes after months of strained relations between the United States and South Korea, which have been formal allies for 50 years.
France is America's oldest formal ally, having signed a treaty 218 years ago this week, Mr. Clinton pointed out today.
That sort of manipulation was for enemies or formal allies, not for the boy he'd caught a raven with, so many years before.