Der Ring was a group of young architects, formed with the objective of promoting Modernist architecture.
The company was formed on 13 August 1986 with the objective of financing, building and operating a tunnel between Britain and France.
The group formed "with the objective of averting a nuclear holocaust and promoting Pakistan's proposals for peace and arms reduction in South Asia."
DogmaTone Records is a registered Indian record label, formed with the objective of promoting and encouraging Indian rock music.
The Friends of the Fell Society was formed with the objective of preserving and housing it.
Also, two smaller detachments were formed and charged with the objective of spreading the insurrection in Azot and Porech.
As an example, a partnership of solicitors might be formed with the objective of making profits but with the object of providing legal services.
On 29 October the British formed a strong task force with the objective of pushing the Viet Minh further away from Saigon.
The company was formed with the objective of making business intelligence software more accessible to everyone in an organization by focusing on Excel and unlimited user licensing.
The North American Society for the Sociology of Sport was formed in 1978 with the objective of studying the field.