Horses form ulcers in the stomach fairly commonly.
It is still used today when the tendency to form ulcers resists other therapy.
The skin can blister, form ulcers, and in some cases be destroyed (called necrosis).
In something rarely seen today, many patients arrived with cancers that were so advanced they formed festering ulcers.
They can cause swelling, may form ulcers and sometimes get infected.
The rash develops into fluid-filled blisters that then collapse, forming small ulcers.
These little blisters enlarge and eventually burst to form ulcers which are shallow and acutely painful to touch.
They break down to form small and multiple ulcers.
Symptoms may include multiple vesicles that rupture to form ulcers, tenesmus, rectal pain, discharge, hematochezia.
These lesions expand to form ulcers and extensive erosions filled with necrotic tissue and mycelium.