The two organisations have now integrated to form the Faculty of Health and Social Care.
He played a key role in forming the Faculty of Community Medicine (now Public Health) of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom.
The two schools form the Faculty of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering (AS&E), a deliberative body under the chairmanship of the president of the university.
However, in 2005 it was announced that the Faculties of Physical and Life Sciences would be re-merged to form the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
End of 1998: The merging of the Faculty of Sciences and that of Applied Sciences to form the Faculty of Sciences and Technology.
These buildings form the centre pinnacle for the campus and also house both External/Alumni Relations and the Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research.
October 1, 1995 formed the Faculty of International Relations.
In 1973, London Teacher's College (Elborn) merged with Althouse College to form the Faculty of Education at the university.
It merged with the Department of Agriculture and they formed the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture.
In 1946 he formed the Faculty of Ophthalmologists.