The black, bobbing form reappeared, considerably closer to the shore this time but again it disappeared into the dark waters.
A phantom form reappeared upon the hill near the house of Ezekiel Twinton.
And suddenly the form reappeared in a dream one night.
The moment that they were gone, the form of The Shadow reappeared, a spectral shape in the gloom behind the desk.
In a moment the human form reappeared from behind the screen, decorously dressed.
However, when the pronoun is used as a direct object, gender-specific forms reappear in Spanish.
A long time passed, and finally the tall form reappeared and waved to Miguel.
It was then that the waiting form of blackness reappeared.
Then the phantom form reappeared, like some grim spirit from the world beyond, seeking mortal prey.
A short while later, Pikel's form reappeared in the stone, like a bas relief carved into the floor.