Dichocoenia stellaris is a massive colonial coral that forms thick plates.
The teeth are arranged with a quincunx pattern to form narrow plates limited to the front of the jaws.
As many as ten denticles may be fused together to form multi-pointed plates.
Agaricia - Most species form thin vertical plates but in some, the plates are horizontal.
The novel part about the design was that grids 2 and 3 were constructed as beam forming plates.
Two formed plastic plates serve to further improve rigidity while providing ample space for mounting electronic components.
The legs arising from the first three segments of the abdomen are expanded basally to form broad plates.
It also had limb girdles which formed massive plates of bone that helped support its heavily-built body.
Eddy currents formed and warmed individual plates, and moved to other ones.
He had a chocolate-brown human torso, incredibly broad and ribbed so that the chest muscles seemed to form squarish plates.