Seismic movements have formed medium-sized mountains around the city.
The sheer faces of stone ground against each other with the power to form mountains.
Extreme tectonic activity helped form local mountains and raised much of the state's elevation.
Other times, the edges of the two plates will push against each other and rise upward, forming mountains.
At the beginning of the Cambrian Period, about 570 million years ago, these beds were folded and raised up to form new mountains.
This is a limestone belt with parallel hard rock ridges left standing by erosion to form mountains.
As a result, the rocks between the two plates are forced upwards to form mountains.
Above me the clouds formed huge mountains in the sky, lit with the most extraordinary colors.
With a creative approach to the use of materials, a leaf becomes a tree and petals form mountains.
Rolling hills grow to form volcanic mountains and reach to the sky.