They were formed into units of company and battalion size as substitutes for the missing reservists.
The trains were formed into 3-car units, with first and third class accommodation in open saloons.
Formed into provisional units, they were used to augment depleted divisions.
These ran from 1967, until replaced in 1989-90 with 1938 tube stock, formed into 2-car units.
They were formed into units intended to spearhead future Allied landing operations.
In the 1920s, the soldiers were often distributed throughout the country at battalion and regimental size only forming into larger units for occasional exercises.
They were formed into cavalry units under Roman officers.
Many of the volunteers went home but several stayed and the remnant were formed into new units.
As in the legion, he formed them into units of ten.
These were usually formed into complete units such as light cavalry, light infantry or velites, and laborers.