In the meanwhile while houses have not been built, people still go on forming households.
They are people who cannot afford to form new households.
Americans are forming fewer new households.
But they did not take much to adapt and strive to rebuild a decent life, forming households and having children without forgetting their roots.
This demand, particularly from newly formed households, migrant newcomers, single and childless people and the aged can - and does result in abuses.
Part of the increase is due to more young people forming independent households, but the most important factor has been the growth in numbers of elderly widows and widowers.
In general, a larger pool of students who take a test results in lower overall scores, as the pool usually includes more students form lower-income, less-educated households.
Conversely, the availability of different types of housing also affects the ability of persons and families forming separate households.
In contrast they found that for Japan the elderly forming independent households and those living with children continue to save, for all but the most elderly.
Having paired up and formed households based on dual incomes, these baby boomers are now tiring of fast-paced living and eating on the run.