The Internet has ushered in a new digital media culture that allows different forms of media to converge.
These studies seek to determine whether different forms of evidence converge, or effectively measure the same behaviors.
Given Pope John Paul II's global footprint in life, it is not surprising that all forms of mass media have converged on Rome to honor and document his death.
Before he had a chance to get to his feet forms were converging on him from every side, an incoherent mass of limbs and snarls that could only be the wraith-sister's children.
Sexual matters in the narrower sense are only dealt with at the end of each book, so here again, form and content converge in a subtly ingenious way.
Shadowy forms were converging cautiously from across the street.
The square root can also be expressed by a periodic continued fraction, but the above form converges more quickly with the proper x and y.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the form of British track had converged on the use of wrought iron bullhead rails supported in cast iron chairs on timber sleepers, laid in some form of ballast.
Varying forms of transport had converged on the plaza before the tall building.
The form of any given embryo does not converge upon other definite forms but, on the contrary, separates itself from them.