He's always forgetting errands and appointments, and then he has the nerve to sulk when I yell at him.
He was sleepy most of the time, forgetting appointments and leaving chores unfinished.
And memory seems to deteriorate: people forget promises and appointments and become absent-minded.
The challenge: Feeling that people will perceive you as unreliable because you forget or cancel appointments or engagements at the last minute.
Thus it was that she almost never misplaced things, forgot appointments, or left items unrepaired in her apartment.
They may forget appointments or where they put things.
Symptoms often include misplacing items, forgetting events or appointments, and having trouble thinking of desired words.
She doesn't forget appointments as a rule, and she wants the dress to wear the day after tomorrow.
She skips key debates in Parliament and sometimes forgets appointments.
But not everyone who slacks on work or forgets appointments has ADHD; there are plenty of other reasons you may be losing focus.