It will make its home near agricultural areas, if rocky ledges, swamps, or forested tracts are present, its spotted coat serving as camouflage.
It has large forested tracts, orchards of various fruits-like mango and guava-and multiple crop cultivation the year round.
A forested tract typically has only one or perhaps a few species of trees, which are harvested and removed.
It is mostly flat and sandy, with large forested tracts.
The Mughals never seems to have conquered the area, possibly because they failed to penetrate into the deeply forested hilly tracts.
The two had been deposited in a heavily forested tract of land on the edge of a stubbly wheat field that had long since been harvested.
One of the world's largest forested tracts covers the Amazon Basin.
The method is used for forest inventories to accurately estimate the volume standing in a forested tract without counting every single item.
The line plot survey has the advantage of insuring the inventory includes an even outlay and includes everything in the forested tract.
On the other end of the spectrum, the board bought 2,100 acres not now threatened with development, but offering a heavily forested tract known as Cutler Coast.