Structure of herbaceous plant assemblages in a forested riparian landscape.
For example, a forested landscape (matrix) with fewer gaps in forest cover (open patches) will have higher connectivity.
Modern threats to rattler populations include poaching, a low reproductive rate, land use changes and the disappearance of forested landscape.
This report, required by act, provided an overview of Colorado's forested landscape, summarized existing areas and issues of concerns.
But an enormous, forested landscape has been destroyed and will take decades to regenerate.
The sun was shining down on a thickly forested landscape.
The highway travels through a predominantly forested landscape, passing the occasional house along the way.
From there it flows north between up to 503 m high mountains through a wonderful forested landscape, partly in the natural park Diemelsee.
This Sanctuary is a part of 5500 Km of forested landscape.
The tonalities of his paintings are earthen, and there is an affection for the forested landscape.