He would stand in the forest surrounded by a flock of songbirds and listen to their music for hours.
Lost in the forest, surrounded by snuffling shadows he could not identify, wild cries that made him spin and start, the boy began to cry.
They were in a forest, surrounded by trees.
It cascades down among a dark forest, surrounded by mosses and ferns.
And the answer is on the floor of the forest, surrounded by all the other leaves.
Within a few minutes we were deep in the forest, surrounded by pine trees covered in a fresh layer of snow and almost completely alone.
I found myself alone in a forest, surrounded by enemy forces, with my fellow soldiers all dead.
Ambur was mostly forest surrounded by hills hundreds of years ago.
Other characteristic aspects are that the Main Stage is in the middle of a forest surrounded by a natural amphitheatre.
And then we were in a forest, surrounded by tall, dark trees that sighed in the night wind.