Today the forest has reclaimed the whole area and not a single building remains to cast the aura of the ghost town.
Left to itself, the forest is reclaiming the savannah lands.
Lumbering activity has decreased in recent decades, so the more undisturbed forests have reclaimed some characteristics of old growth.
By the late 1890s people traveling through the area said that not a trace of the city could be found as the forest had reclaimed the site.
The forest which once surrounded the property has now fully reclaimed the site of the main Hall.
Eventually the forest would reclaim all of this.
If there had ever been fields, the forest had reclaimed them.
The forest reclaimed its tented towns as quickly as they had sprung up.
The rocky moors of Gloucester remained clear for two centuries until the forest reclaimed the land in the 20th century.
The forest reclaimed the pastures, the fields and the settlements.