The company operates five forest estates and three sawmills.
The Government has pledged to sell 15 per cent of the public forest estate by 2015.
Defra hopes to raise £100 million through the sale of 15 per cent of the public forest estate by 2015.
It is quite amazing that this bill gives the secretary of state all the power to sell off the forest estate.
Her family estates were forest estates and the skill runs in the blood.
At the centre of Great Southern's business was the development of new forest estates for commercial harvest.
I'm not aware of any other developed country which doesn't have any publicly owned forest estate.
We already have one of the smallest public forest estates in the developed world considering our population.
It adds: "The [£20m] funding of the public forest estate appears to represent very good value for money."
He took over large forest estates previously owned by the company.