The forest environment provides natural habitat for many plants, trees and animals.
It has been suggested that this solitary behavior is an adaptation to its forest environment.
The Orion was a fool to take such a heavy weapon into a forest environment.
The game is set in various forest environments.
The game took place in a forest environment divided by a river that could be crossed by either of two bridges.
Although the first arrivals were hunter-gatherers, early evidence shows that people managed the forest environment to provide food.
By the 1960s, however, swidden agriculture was not a threat to the forest environment.
This suggests the fossils existed originally in a subtropical forest environment.
Effects of image quality, size and camera type on forest light environment estimates using digital hemispherical photography.
He spent seven months during 1982-83 living and working in a forest environment and left behind six sculptures as his personal response to this landscape.