The costs, in any foreseeable circumstances, would amount to only a tiny fraction of the nation's total output.
But he did say, "There are no foreseeable circumstances that would require Mr. Ebbers to repay his loan."
EPA may grant exemptions in cases where the pesticide residues do not pose a dietary risk under reasonably foreseeable circumstances.
The main message of the study: grid integration across the Mediterranean is valuable under all foreseeable circumstances.
A company is exempt from the requirement if the closing or layoff is caused by "not reasonably foreseeable circumstances" like a flood or drought.
Bray recently announced that Icon relinquished the rights of the film, and so the film version of the book will not be made in any foreseeable circumstances.
"Moreover, under presently foreseeable circumstances, it is highly unlikely that the Japanese would switch to a net selling position in the United States equity market."
It may take some time to program this technique as it has to take into account all foreseeable circumstances.
However, it suggested that any effort to remove members who in the "foreseeable political circumstances" could possibly operate subversively would have resulted in a regiment that was "very small".
Nevertheless, at least in public, he reiterated his previous position that there were no foreseeable circumstances in which he would challenge Mrs Thatcher.