The actual number of foreigners residing in the oblast as of June 1, 2006 was estimated to be over 22,000.
There are more than 9000 foreigners residing in the Cheonan area.
There are roughly 1.6 million foreigners residing in the region.
Based in part upon this law, immigration authorities established residence and visa fees for foreigners residing in the country.
All foreigners residing in Singapore are subject to the same laws.
On the policy side, he proposes to bar all campaign contributions from foreigners residing in the United States, which is welcome.
Father Patrick O'Connor was the only foreigner residing in the country as of 2011.
On 20 June 1949 the remaining 11 foreigners residing in the Broadway Mansions were ordered to leave to make room for political and military workers.
Germany is aware that its naturalization law must be reformed to ease integration of foreigners residing in Germany for longer periods.
The welfare of foreigners residing in the state was looked after by several shahbandars (habour masters and collectors of customs).