Italians were the largest foreign-born group in 1990, he said, but "they probably won't be in 2000."
In Israel, Rumanian Jews are the largest foreign-born group after Moroccans.
Including their second generation descendants, Indos are currently the largest foreign-born group in the Netherlands.
The largest foreign-born group were the Germans, with the Irish being the next largest.
Among non-whites, employment rates also tend to be higher in foreign-born groups than in corresponding native-born groups.
Three of them primarily serve Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union, now the fourth or fifth largest foreign-born group in the city.
Individuals born in Europe were the second largest foreign-born group; they made up 25.3% of Marin County's foreign population.
That was a strategy used even by highly educated foreign-born groups like the city's 49,600 Filipinos, at the other end of the spectrum.
In 1890, the 2.78 million first-generation German Americans represented the second largest foreign-born group in the United States.
The equivalent figure for 2010 has been estimated at 150,000 by the Office for National Statistics, making them the tenth-largest foreign-born group.