They went through many perils, not the least of which was capture by a foreign warship.
Iran isn't that stupid to either attack a foreign warship or indeed try to block the Straits.
They declared the two-hundred-mile limit as an exclusion zone for foreign warships.
During this exercise, she helped the foreign warships to practice convoy-screening operations and to learn American naval tactics.
"How should we greet captains from foreign warships when they come ashore at Lahaina?"
And that possibility will magnify over the next few days when we discover exactly how far away the nearest foreign warship was.
Without such a declaration, a friendly foreign warship could enter a nation's port with its implied consent.
The Admiral's ops room was receiving no reports of foreign warships anywhere in the area.
During the trip she passes through the Panama Canal and becomes the first foreign warship to do so.
The vessels are also used as berthing tugs, primarily for foreign warships.