"Possible ID of a foreign suspect."
More than 300 law professors from around the country are protesting President Bush's order to establish military tribunals for foreign terrorist suspects.
Radio talk shows buzzed with speculation about Mideastern connections and foreign suspects, and the threat of anti-Arab actions hung in the air.
It is unusual for us to hold a foreign suspect.
The perception of a discrepancy in the handling of incidents involving Japanese and foreign suspects has fed American anger.
Two foreign suspects who did not reply to the judge's summons will be tried in absentia.
Siemiątkowski was charged with facilitating the alleged CIA detention operation in Poland, where foreign suspects may have been tortured in the context of the War on Terror.
Passage came as eight foreign suspects, some of whom had been held since 2001, were released under strict bail conditions.
In seeking to enhance fair trial rights generally, this framework decision will have the effect of ensuring a reasonable level of protection to foreign suspects and defendants.
Moreover, their testimony was called questionable since they rarely deal with foreign suspects.