The first gave insight to what will happen if the implementation of hiring foreign native English speakers to teach English became too successful.
There is no denying that the English language, quite apart from its utilitarian purposes, holds an odd, almost quaint fascination for many foreign speakers.
Total: 156 events, 714 speakers, 37% foreign speakers, representatives from 39 countries.
A number of other Soviet and foreign Communist speakers joined the attack.
There is already a tremendous shortage of English classes for foreign speakers, and the demand will certainly increase.
More helpful, perhaps, for both native and foreign speakers of French is the decision to make accents correspond to the way words should be pronounced.
Why does the news always do a translation over foreign speakers, rather than subtitling them.
French is also becoming increasingly attractive to foreign speakers suggesting that the francization programmes have been successful.
SRI built systems for teaching English to foreign speakers and banking by telephone.
Learning words from foreign speakers: Two-year-olds' understanding of conventional boundaries.