A big chunk of that foreign share would presumably be American.
Under the Japanese formula, the latest foreign share was 22.5 percent.
The foreign share, almost all of it American, has hovered between 14 and 15 percent for the last year.
In the last three decades, the foreign born share of the population soared.
Actually, the average foreign share was 2.7 percentage points higher in 1993 than in 1992.
If that same gain is to be made in 1994, foreign share would have to rise to about 22.1 percent.
They say the agreement calls for the foreign share to increase to 20 percent by 1991.
In the fourth quarter of 1995, the foreign share reached 29.6 percent.
However, foreign shares still cannot be listed on the Russian exchange.
The foreign share of the Japanese computer chip market dropped again.