It is not known whether this was caused by a substantial folk movement or native adoption of foreign practices, nor are these two models mutually exclusive.
Most foreign practices have so far been spared large client defections.
Because they are separate legal entities that are wholly owned by local partners, the foreign practices can act on their own.
They ignore the fact that foreign practices were the same or worse when America ran big surpluses.
Americans, Mr. Altman says, almost never consider foreign practice to see whether it could be useful.
There were just too many busybodies who had too many comments about a "foreign" practice they looked down their noses at.
Right at the turn of the century, French design absorbed influences from foreign practice.
But I was interested in the things they were trying to do to require corporate disclosure of corrupt foreign practices.
This effort was aimed at expunging foreign practices and influences.
The Justice Department is investigating possible violations of the foreign corrupt practices act, and Britain has a similar inquiry.