Many have poor English skills, limiting their ability to communicate with foreign pilots, which played a role in crash of Flight 1907.
In November, even before the visa rules were changed for all foreign students, Congress acted to increase the scrutiny of foreign pilots studying here.
The safety board made several recommendations to the aviation agency today, among them that controllers speak more slowly, especially to foreign pilots.
One official who insisted on anonymity said Italian law called for foreign pilots to use Italian maps.
The wing trained foreign and domestic pilots in forward air control.
Beginning in December 1975, VT-4 had the added mission of providing flight instruction for allied foreign military pilots.
Don't you guys think it's a little unusual that the Undersecretary of Defense signs off on a foreign pilot's clearance?
comrade pavoud, it's vital you keep on the best of terms with the foreign pilots at the air base.
One of the union's chief complaints is that foreign pilots earn far more than Koreans do.
Two of them were first-class pilots - foreign, of course.