The Rajputs opposed every foreign incursion into their territory, but were never united or adequately organised to deal with stronger forces on a long-term basis.
(ii)It makes it possible for Nigerians business to enjoy adequate control especially from foreign incursions in expertise and skills are plentiful.
The villagers supposedly welcomed the Russians after they learned about their mission (protecting them from foreign incursion).
Most defenses were artillery protected by earthworks, as protection from pirate raids and foreign incursions.
Throughout the 19th century, alarms kept going off in the form of domestic unrest and foreign incursions.
In the media foreign incursions were confined largely to cinema films and TV entertainment series.
So far, much of the foreign incursion has come on the supply and subcontracting rungs below the prime contractor.
The Pashtuns, strong in their belief that they must defend their land from foreign incursion, resisted the British advancement.
With only mild hills and a few deep gorges, the province was a tempting target for foreign incursions.
Hence, it was subsequently fortified to prevent any further foreign incursions.