Budget is capped for the Chancellor's statement or foreign equivalents; company or local authority budgets are lower case.
The flat roof gave the English chimney a prominence foreign equivalents didn't have.
Replacing such a term by a foreign equivalent is a penal offense, and may cost the offender anything from $90 to $200.
However, these ships were seen as completely outmoded, with most of their foreign equivalents either lost during the war or removed from service afterwards.
A foreign equivalent may also be known as an Authentic Instrument.
It's already been translated into nineteen languages and foreign equivalents of the Subversive Party are beginning to form.
Players that have played in the football league or any foreign equivalent to this level (i.e. fully professional league).2.
Koolaburra then argued that the term was generic under the doctrine of "foreign equivalents."
The court noted that "the doctrine of foreign equivalents is not an absolute rule and should be viewed merely as a guideline".
The court explained that there is a threshold limitation to applying the doctrine of foreign equivalents.