Britain gets more net foreign earnings (over £50 billion a year) from financial services than every other country on earth combined.
Oil exports accounted for close to 80 per cent of foreign earnings.
So there will be no foreign earnings with which to buy imports of fuels and food.
However, you may qualify to exclude from income up to $92,900 of your foreign earnings.
This means that their domestic and foreign earnings are all taxable in Germany.
British invisible foreign earnings from financial services were the largest in the world and for long had made up any deficit on visible trade.
Today they generate about $2 billion a year in foreign earnings.
Sometimes he used a pseudonym because the state helped itself to a share of foreign earnings.
Fish represent 12 percent of national output and roughly half the country's foreign earnings.
The tourism industry brought in $1.1 billion last year and is Israel's largest source of foreign earnings.