But the vacancies have taken on new prominence because of reports that the Bush Administration was unaware of several recent foreign developments.
Historically, DoD event indications have focused and relied on intelligence information about foreign developments.
By the early 1970's, half the foreign industrial development in the nation was coming in the South.
For years, foreign development of natural gas lagged behind the search for other resources like petroleum, because low natural-gas prices did not generate much interest.
The Energy Department runs the Government's nuclear work and has an intelligence arm that monitors foreign developments.
National courts and legislators are also becoming more prepared to look at foreign developments.
But the world has shrunk to the point where we can no longer count on foreign developments to regulate the flow.
The main purpose of this concept is to accelerate economic development and investments, both foreign and local, in general.
For most of a decade China trained no new scientists or engineers and was cut off from foreign scientific developments.
Mrs. Clinton kept a lower profile at home after the health care plan collapsed, concentrating on less hotly debated issues like foreign development and education.