It abolished habeas corpus for foreign detainees, effectively making it impossible for detainees to challenge crimes committed against them.
It persuaded Congress to remove the habeas corpus rights the court had previously granted foreign detainees at Guantánamo.
A federal terrorism prosecutor at the Justice Department said the defense is almost certain to raise accusations that the testimony of foreign detainees was tainted by alleged torture.
Some non-governmental organizations reported that foreign detainees complained that they had been subjected to physical violence.
He reiterated that phrase in one form or another throughout the day on subjects as varied as the right to die and the treatment of foreign detainees.
The foreign detainees are held in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp established for the purpose at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba.
The association regularly send people to visit foreign Muslim detainees (detained for violating foreign worker contract) in several alien temporary detention centers.
The foreign detainees may leave Britain if another country says it will accept them.
This resolution ultimately affirms some important principles: common responsibility in the fight against illegal immigration, in the distribution of asylum seekers and in the repatriation of foreign detainees.
The United States military will maintain control over dozens of foreign detainees in Bagram for the indefinite future.