In some cases, foreign creditors may be paid off directly.
It owes $40 billion to foreign creditors, half of which comes due in the next three years.
"Why do foreign creditors insist so much on an adjustment plan? "
One cannot force foreign creditors to lend more money, if they don't have the confidence to do it.
The Chinese court promised to give equal treatment to foreign and domestic creditors.
Total interest owed to all foreign creditors, which had not been paid since July 1989, was estimated at nearly $10,000 million.
We borrowed to invest, from creditors both domestic and foreign.
Mexico owes foreign creditors $100 billion and is likely to need even more money sometime in 1988 or 1989.
Regulators, meanwhile, have done little to assure foreign creditors that they will get their money back.
If the interest and capital requirements are too large, a nation may default on its debts, usually to foreign creditors.