In the late 1920s and early '30s, large residential areas were built north of the foreign concessions.
Under Japanese rule, the foreign concessions remained intact until December 1941.
The foreign concessions were also under siege for several weeks.
"Alice" can be a child living in the foreign concessions, but the name Alice also suggests a fairy-tale element.
Also, the contracts will be considered service agreements, not foreign concessions.
However, the Japanese did not attack the foreign concessions in the city and remained on peaceable terms with the foreign powers, though tensions were high.
They did not, however, invade the foreign concessions.
And President Clinton, in his election campaign, made clear that his concerns to spur the domestic economy would come before foreign concessions.
A number of areas in the former foreign concessions are also well-preserved, the most notable ones being the French Concession.
Western powers impose "unequal treaties" that create foreign concessions in China's ports.