"The Jewish synagogue has been finished after much effort, the ceremony took place with the participation of many foreign Jews."
So many constables and fine inspectors, wasting their time searching for a foreign Jew to hang!
Although the city is again open to entrepreneurial foreign Jews, many of them, sensitive to its abrasive edge, are tapping their community for support.
And the Israeli leaders who pretended otherwise wanted only to exploit foreign Jews "for their money and politics."
More than 10,000 of these were foreign Jews who had found refuge in Amsterdam in the 1930s.
Several thousand foreign Jews were killed at the Kalevi-Liiva camp.
She is irritated by foreign Jews who come to Poland just to see the sites of death camps.
If some foreign Jew hanged for Lachley's deeds, so much the better.
Bousquet succeeded in a compromise that the police would round up only foreign Jews.
The Italians ordered all foreign Jews out, and Steinberg wanted to leave.