A common approach is to forecast "by analogy,"using data for similar products that have been on the market previously.
But that figure is projected to reach $311 million this year, and some analysts forecast growth to well over $1 billion by 2005.
He forecast a high of around 90 degrees today and tomorrow with perhaps slightly higher temperatures by Sunday.
But he is forecasting improved residual values, especially by 2005 and 2006.
It forecast an end to annual Federal deficits by 2002.
This would bring the United States forecast down to 18 percent by the beginning of 1993.
Some economists are forecasting a strong comeback by the summer.
Industry experts forecast annual maraviroc sales of $500 million by 2011.
Some analysts have forecast a rise in the Federal funds rate by spring.
The research company Datamonitor forecasts a 60% personnel growth by 2009.