They had long slender arms and hands, with immobile forearm bones and limited opposability between the first finger and the other two.
Then with a grating snap, the forearm bones cracked under the twisting pressure.
The humerus is the upper forearm bone in tetrapods.
In the room identified as the kitchen, the forearm bones from the finger tip to the elbow joint of a woman approximately 25 years old.
Radial dysplasia is the condition in which the forearm bone and the soft tissues on the thumb side are underdeveloped or absent.
The knuckles (from the palm side) are applied to the recipient's radial nerve against the periosteum of the forearm bone.
Its ulna was altered from being a forearm bone into an odd crescent shaped site for muscle attachment.
One of his armored weapons had cracked the forearm bones of the man who had been shooting.
Reacher could see the end of a yellow forearm bone protruding like a broken piano key.
About five feet below this layer was discovered a large forearm bone of an elephant, embedded in clay and vegetable matter.