The first portion displays fragments of a theme in F minor, presented forcefully in the brass, before being played in entirety by the majority of winds:
In suggesting that denying freedom for life is a more severe punishment than death, they forcefully presented a compelling and moral argument against capital punishment.
She also said that he could forcefully present his beliefs, yet was savvy about navigating the treacherous waters of academic politics.
She observed that the book forcefully presented the author's admiration of brave judges who had helped to develop interpretation of the U.S. Constitution's protections of the rights of freedom of expression as a defense against censorship.
"I told the Prime Minister, who forcefully presented Canada's case, that I would work with our Administration to see that these disputes receive the proper high level consideration before they go to some form of action," Mr. Bush said at a news conference after the meeting.
In the hourlong encounter, broadcast live on WNBC-TV, Mr. Schundler forcefully presented his agenda for New Jersey, promising to cut taxes and remove tolls from the Garden State Parkway, and passionately defending his plan to let parents use tax dollars for private schools.
If Mr. Faso is to have any hope in this race, Republicans close to his campaign said before the debate, he must forcefully present an attention-grabbing counterargument to Mr. Spitzer's promises to cut taxes, create jobs and overhaul the day-to-day management of government in Albany.
But on Saturday, starting at 8 P.M., an HBO film that forcefully presents the point of view of the defense in the case is to reopen old wounds and old controversies.
"Sir Leon forcefully presented his proposed clarifications to the Blair House agreement discussed at the jumbo council meeting on the 20th, and I responded with equal force that we would not reopen or renegotiate the Blair House agreement," Mr. Kantor said.
There is an honest sentiment and energy here that Carol Wincenc, the afternoon's soloist (and the piece's dedicatee), presented forcefully.